301 S Park, Helena 59601 | 841-2700 | |
Website | commerce.mt.gov | |
Montana Relay 711: TTY, Voice Carry Over (VCO), Hearing Carry Over (HCO), Speech-to-Speech (STS), Spanish and CapTel® | Dial 711 | |
Director, Paul Green |
paul.green@mt.gov | 841-2704 |
Deputy Director, Mandy Rambo | mandy.rambo@mt.gov | 841-2727 |
Executive Assistant, Isabelle Pollington | isabelle.pollington2@mt.gov | 841-2704 |
FAX # | 841-2701 | |
Office of Legal Affairs |
Paralegal, Jada Maynor | jada.maynor@mt.gov | 841-2596 |
Chief Legal Counsel, Brenda Elias |
brenda.elias@mt.gov | 841-2903 |
Acting Deputy Chief Legal Counsel, Tori Koch |
torikoch@mt.gov | 841-2899 |
Legal Counsel, Amy Barnes | amybarnes@mt.gov | 841-2733 |
Office of Marketing and Communication |
Chief Marketing & Communication Officer (CMO), Mitch Staley |
mitch.staley@mt.gov | 841-2322 |
Communication Director, Anastasia Burton |
anastasia.burton@mt.gov | 841-2557 |
Communication Coordinator, Todd Jackson |
toddjackson@mt.gov | 841-2811 |
Public Relations and Social Media Manager, Nicole Gonzalez |
nicole.gonzalez@mt.gov | 841-2879 |
Copywriter, Aubrey Zemp | aubrey.zemp@mt.gov | 841-2909 |
Digital Media Director, Ivan Junge |
ivan.junge@mt.gov | 841-2707 |
Digital Asset Coordinator, Tanner Everard |
tanner.everard@mt.gov | 841-2907 |
Marketing Director, Pat Doyle |
pdoyle@mt.gov | 841-2948 |
International Marketing Director, Vacant |
Multimedia Content Manager, Vacant | ||
Project Manager, Brandon Pendergast |
brandon.pendergast@mt.gov | 841-2897 |
Marcomm Operations Coordinator, Katie Felde |
katie.felde@mt.gov | 841-2872 |
Office of Human Resources |
Human Resources Manager, Sarah Green |
SarahGreen@mt.gov | 841-2706 |
Human Resources Business Partner, Jessica Arnold | jessica.arnold@mt.gov | 841-2718 |
Human Resources Business Partner, Shannin Danko | sdanko@mt.gov | 841-2074 |
HR and Contracts Assistant, Abi Higgins |
abi.higgins@mt.gov | 841-2717 |
Office of Accounting & Budget |
Financial Manager, Ingrid Mallo | imallo@mt.gov | 841-2715 |
Accountant, Carissa Mason | cmason@mt.gov | 841-2712 |
Budget Manager, Craig Woods | cwoods@mt.gov | 841-2720 |
Accountant, Judy Clay | judy.clay@mt.gov | 841-2703 |
Accountant, Kassie Clement | kassie.clement@mt.gov | 841-2713 |
Accountant, Sarah Solomon | ssolomon@mt.gov | 841-2714 |
Accountant, Jo Morand | jmorand@mt.gov | 841-2798 |
Office of Information Technology |
Information Technology Manager, Angie Miller | angie.miller2@mt.gov | 841-2705 |
Systems Analyst, Ian Bahr | ianbahr@mt.gov | 841-2721 |
Systems Analyst, Nick Worsley | nick.worsley@mt.gov | 841-2837 |
Network Administrator, Terry Meagher | tmeagher@mt.gov | 841-2722 |
IT Systems Support, Isaac Richey |
irichey@mt.gov | 841-2726 |
DevOps Supervisor, Norm Dwyer |
ndwyer@mt.gov | 841-2885 |
Tourism System Support, Olivia McManus |
Olivia.McManus@mt.gov | 841-2193 |
IT Systems Support, Donald Todd | dtodd@mt.gov | 841-2892 |
IT Systems Analyst, Wendy Jo Brown | wjbrown@mt.gov | 841-2193 |
Office of Business Attraction |
Business Attraction Manager, Frederick Van Den Abbeel, ASBC® |
fvan@mt.gov | |
Business Attraction Community Liaison, Tony Brockman |
tony.brockman@mt.gov | 406-841-2905 |
Business Attraction Specialist, Jaimie Charon |
jaimie.charon@mt.gov | |
Business Attraction Coordinator, Cameron Johnson | camjohnson@mt.gov | |
Research/Census & Economic Information Services |
Website | CEIC.MT.GOV | |
Bureau Chief, Mary Craigle | mary.craigle@mt.gov | 841-2742 |
Industry Program Manager, Canon Luerkens |
cluerkens@mt.gov | 841-2034 |
Senior Research Economist, Ben Gill | benjamin.gill@mt.gov | 841-2739 |
Data Manager, Patrick Holland-Stergar | patrick.holland-stergar@mt.gov | 841-2719 |
GIS Coordinator, Dave Ritts | dave.ritts@mt.gov | 841-2030 |
Information Technology Specialist, Dick Hanson |
dhanson4@mt.gov | 841-2743 |
Administrative Assistant, Maria Tromly | mtromly@mt.gov | 841-2740 |
Fax # | 841-2731 | |
PO Box 200505
841-2870 |
Website | BRAND.MT.GOV | |
Division Administrator, Jenny Pelej | jpelej@mt.gov | 841-2896 |
Office Manager, Theresa Erickson | theresa.erickson@mt.gov | 841-2730 |
Fax # | 841-2701 | |
Montana Film Office |
Film Commissioner, Allison Whitmer | allison.whitmer@mt.gov | 841-2881 |
Projects & Locations Coordinator, Dan Molloy |
dan.molloy@mt.gov | 841-2880 |
Media Incentive & Grant Specialist, Kevann Campbell | k2campbell@mt.gov | 841-2883 |
Operations Coordinator, Laura Benedict | laura.benedict@mt.gov | 841-2764 |
Multimedia Coordinator, Emma Brandt |
emma.brandt@mt.gov | |
Fax # | 841-2701 | |
Tourism Programs |
Tourism Program Director, Vacant |
Comms & Program Outreach Supervisor, Alana Cunningham | alana.cunningham@mt.gov | 841-2781 |
RAP/RLF/Resiliency Program Specialist, Taylor Tidwell |
taylor.tidwell@mt.gov | 841-2895 |
Marketing, Communications and Events Specialist, Vacant | ||
Tourism Grants Program Administration Supervisor, Lisa Troyer |
LTroyer@mt.gov | 841-2796 |
Tourism Network and Technical Assistance Lead, Vacant | ||
Industry Compliance Specialist, Barb Sanem |
bsanem@mt.gov | 841-2769 |
Tourism Outreach Coordinator, AshLy Tubbs |
atubbs@mt.gov | 841-2753 |
Made in Montana Program Specialist & Agritourism Grant Administrator, Susan Joy |
susan.joy@mt.gov | 841-2868 |
Tourism Grant Program Specialist, Rachel Mullen |
rachel.mullen@mt.gov | 841-2873 |
Budget & Operations |
Deputy Division Administrator, Anna Marie Moe |
amoe@mt.gov | 841-2797 |
Administrative Support, Carmen Williams |
carmenwilliams@mt.gov | 841-2870 |
Administrative Support, Leslie Redden | leslie.redden@mt.gov | 841-2870 |
Fulfillment Specialist, Terry Brooks | terry.brooks@mt.gov | 841-2768 |
Website | BUSINESS.MT.GOV | |
Division Administrator, Mackenzie Espeland | mackenzie.espeland@mt.gov | 841-2732 |
Operations and Budget Analyst, Sarah Jordt |
sjordt@mt.gov | 841-2026 |
Fax # | 841-2701 | |
Big Sky Economic Development Trust Fund/Workforce Training Grant |
Program Specialist Lead, Vacant | ||
Big Sky Economic Development Trust Fund |
Program Specialist, Kathy Bartlett |
Kathy.Bartlett@mt.gov | 841-2792 |
Program Specialist, Vacant |
Business Development Manager, Olivia Kettenring |
olivia.kettenring@mt.gov | 841-2737 |
Revolving Loan Specialist, Chris Ryan |
chris.ryan@mt.gov | 841-2594 |
Program Specialist, Jamie LeMieux | jlemieux@mt.gov | 841-2884 |
Office of Indian Country Economic Development |
Program Manager, TJ Altekruse |
tj.altekruse@mt.gov | 841-2061 |
Entrepreneurial Development Specialist, Bryan Singer |
Bryan.Singer@mt.gov |
406-422-8947 |
Tribal Economic Development Commission Program Manager, Marilyn Willson |
marilyn.willson@mt.gov | 841-2754 |
Tribal Tourism Officer, Rachelle Brown | rachelle.brown@mt.gov | 841-2734 |
Small Business Development Center |
SBDC State Director, Chad Moore | cmoore@mt.gov | 841-2746 |
SBDC Associate Director, Lori Gilliland | lgilliland@mt.gov | 841-2716 |
SBDC Communications/Operations Specialist, Kealan Connors | kconnors@mt.gov | 841-2747 |
Office of Trade and International Relations |
International Trade Manager, Angie DeYoung |
adeyoung@mt.gov | 841-2783 |
International Trade Officer, Katie Willcockson |
kwillcockson@mt.gov | 841-2750 |
International Marketing Officer, Rebecca Bruno |
rbruno@mt.gov | 841-2724 |
International Trade Specialist, Justin Bilyeu | JBilyeu@mt.gov | 841-2096 |
Fax # | 841-2701 | |
Division website | COMDEV.MT.GOV | |
PO Box 200523 Helena, MT 59620-0523 |
841-2770 | |
Fax # | 841-2771 | |
Division Administrator, Galen Steffens | galen.steffens@mt.gov | 841-2784 |
Operations Manager, Stephanie M. Crider-Pridemore |
scrider@mt.gov | 841-2908 |
Legal Counsel, Amy Barnes | 841-2733 | |
Executive Assistant, Anita Proul |
anita.proul@mt.gov | 841-2869 |
CDBG Coordinator, Rosie Goldich |
rose.goldich@mt.gov | 841-2787 |
Outreach Coordinator, Jeanette Blize | jblize@mt.gov | 841-2782 |
Administrative Assistant, Mariah Sprunger | mariah.sprunger@mt.gov | 841-2791 |
Records Management Assistant, Sandy Sysum |
sandra.sysum@mt.gov | 841-2550 |
Coal Board |
Board Officer, Rachel Young | rachel.young@mt.gov | 841-2867 |
Hard Rock Mining Impact Board |
Board Officer, Rachel Young | rachel.young@mt.gov | 841-2867 |
Montana Board of Horse Racing |
Gary Koepplin | gary.koepplin@mt.gov | 406-369-1032 |
Infrastructure Programs(CDBG, MCEP, Delivering Local Assistance) |
Infrastructure Program Manager, Becky Anseth | banseth@mt.gov | 841-2865 |
Infrastructure Coordinator, Lindsey Siebrasse | lindsey.siebrasse@mt.gov | 841-2708 |
Program Specialist, Vacant |
Program Specialist, Matt Blank |
matt.blank@mt.gov | 841-2779 |
Program Specialist, Ashly Amato |
aamato@mt.gov | 841-2910 |
Program Specialist, Erin McKeon |
erin.mckeon@mt.gov | 841-2789 |
Program Specialist, Lynda O’Donnell |
lynda.odonnell@mt.gov | 841-2545 |
Planning Programs(CTAP, CDBG, MCEP) |
Community Resource Development Manager, Vacant |
Community Planning Supervisor, Ann Schwend |
ann.schwend@mt.gov | 841-2819 |
Planner, Dani Arps |
dani.arps@mt.gov | 841-2818 |
Planner, Gus Byrom |
gbyrom@mt.gov | 841-2777 |
Program Specialist, Nikki Veneziano |
nikki.veneziano@mt.gov |
841.2551 |
Program Specialist, Jess Johnson |
jessica.johnson@mt.gov |
841-2816 |
Program Specialist, Paige Bowsher |
paige.bowsher@mt.gov | 841-2752 |
Program Specialist, Leslie D. Soule |
leslie.soule@mt.gov | 841-2226 |
Community Assistance Supervisor, Collin Zollinger | collin.zollinger@mt.gov | 841-2756 |
Community & Economic Vitality Programs(Montana Main Street Program, CDBG-ED, Montana Historic Preservation Grant) |
Program Supervisor, Jordan Conley |
jordan.conley@mt.gov | 841-2773 |
Program Specialist, Micky Zurcher |
micky.zurcher@mt.gov | 841-2863 |
Program Specialist, Lauren Chapman |
lauren.chapman@mt.gov | 841-2794 |
PO Box 200528
Housing Website | commerce.mt.gov/housing | |
Division Administrator, Cheryl Cohen | cheryl.cohen@mt.gov | 841-2844 |
Operations Manager, Joe DeFilippis | joseph.defilippis@mt.gov | 841-2826 |
Office Manager, Megan Surginer | megan.surginer2@mt.gov | 841-2824 |
Executive Assistant, Jessica John |
jess.john@mt.gov | 841-2815 |
Toll Free Number | ||
Board of Housing |
PO Box 200528 Helena, MT 59620-0528 |
Main Number | 841-2840 | |
Fax Number | 841-2841 | |
Accounting Manager, Vicki Bauer |
vibauer@mt.gov | 841-2849 |
Accounting Supervisor, Ashley Miller | ashley.miller@mt.gov | 841-2856 |
Multifamily Manager, Jason Hanson | jason.hanson@mt.gov | 841-2845 |
Homeownership Manager, Jessica Michel | jessica.michel@mt.gov | 841-2849 |
Mortgage Accountant, Katelyn Belschner | katelyn.belschner@mt.gov | 841-2071 |
ARPA Housing |
ARPA Housing Program Executive, Melissa Herrera | melissa.herrera@mt.gov | 841-2092 |
Mortgage Servicing |
PO Box 200550 Helena, MT |
841-2799 | |
Main Number | 841-2799 | |
Manager, Mary Palkovich | mpalkovich@mt.gov | 841-2857 |
Toll Free Number | ||
Rental Assistance Programs |
Box 200545 Helena, MT 59620-0545 |
Main Number | 841-2830 | |
Fax Number | 841-2810 | |
Manager, Kelly Shields | keshields@mt.gov | 841-2832 |
Housing Choice Voucher Program Supervisor, Steven Monroe |
smonroe@mt.gov | 841-2834 |
Community Housing Programs(CDBG, HOME, HTF) |
Community Housing Program Manager, Julie Flynn | julie.flynn@mt.gov | 841-2890 |
Program Specialist, Nicole Newman | nnewman@mt.gov | 841-2598 |
Program Specialist, Sharon Lofftus | sharon.lofftus@mt.gov | 841-2766 |
Program Specialist, Chandler Rowling | chandler.rowling@mt.gov | 841-2544 |
Program Specialist, Stacey Purvis | stacey.purvis@mt.gov | 841-2926 |
Program Specialist, Jen Stepleton | jennifer.stepleton@mt.gov | 841-2785 |
Program Specialist, Julle Engel | julles.engel@mt.gov | 841-2597 |
PO Box 200126
444-0001 |
Executive Director, Dan Villa | BOI.ED@mt.gov | 444-0001 |
Director of In-State Loan Program, Doug Hill | BOI.Loans@mt.gov | 444-1217 |
INTERCAP Program, Louise Welsh | BOI.InterCap@mt.gov | 444-0891 |
STIP, Jessilynn Salois | BOI.STIP@mt.gov | 444-0003 |
Executive Assistant & Board Secretary, Savannah Morgan | BOI.BoardSec@mt.gov | 444-6198 |
PO Box 200506
444-0052 |
Executive Director, Adam Gill | adamgill@mt.gov | 444-0259 |
Associate Director, Seth Lutter | seth.lutter@mt.gov | 444-5435 |
Senior Financial Specialist, Monica Birlut | mbirlut@mt.gov | 444-0039 |
C-PACE Program Manager, Carolyn Jones |
cjones@mt.gov | 444-3367 |
Fax # | 444-0019 | |
PO Box 338
843-5247 |
Executive Director, Kal Poole |
Kal.Poole@mt.gov | 406-596-5655 |
Virginia City Office Fax | 843-5468 | |
McFarland Curatorial Center Fax | 843-5447 | |
Historic Site and Visitor Services Coordinator, Vacant | ||
Museum Technician, Marge Antolik | mantolik@mt.gov | 843-5247 x209 |
Preservation Specialist, Jeff Cleverley | jeff.cleverley@mt.gov | 843-5247 x239 |
Preservation Specialist, Safety Officer, Vacant |