2701 Prospect Ave PO Box 201001, Helena, MT 59620-1001 |
Main Number | 444-6200 | |
Website | mdt.mt.gov | |
TTY | 444-7696 or |
DIRECTOR'S OFFICE2701 Prospect Avenue |
Director of Transportation, Christopher Dorrington | 444-6201 | |
Deputy Director, Larry Flynn | 444-6201 | |
Chief Operating Officer, Vacant | 444-6201 | |
Executive Assistant/Correspondence, Jessica Bousliman | 444-6201 | |
Customer Service & Building Security | 444-6200 | |
Director's Office FAX Number | 444-7643 | |
Media Contact/Public Involvement |
Public Information Officer, Charity Burns | 444-6821 | |
Public Involvement Specialist, Natalee Stout | 444-6021 | |
FAX Number | 444-7643 | |
Transportation Commission |
Commission Secretary, Jessica Bousliman | jbousliman@mt.gov | 444-6201 |
FAX Number | 444-7643 | |
District Administrators |
Billings District, Mike Taylor | 657-0229 | |
Butte District, Geno Liva | 494-9626 | |
Glendive District, Shane Mintz | 345-8212 | |
Great Falls District, Jim Wingerter | 454-5897 | |
Missoula District, Bob Vosen | 523-5800 | |
Main Number | 444-6030 | |
Administrator, Nicole Pallister | 444-0884 | |
Main FAX Number | 444-5411 | |
Accounting Services Bureau |
Bureau Chief, Kim Doherty | kdoherty@mt.gov | 444-0859 |
Accounting Treatment Section Supervisor, Angela Heffern | anheffern@mt.gov | 444-6025 |
Accounting Systems Operations Section Supervisor, Ashley Higgins | ahiggins@mt.gov | 444-7290 |
Payroll and Benefits Section Supervisor, Leah Kailey | lkailey@mt.gov | 444-6874 |
FAX Number | 444-5411 | |
Commitment Management Bureau |
Bureau Chief, Kolby Manderle | komanderle@mt.gov | 444-6365 |
Federal Funds Management Section Supervisor, Katy Callon | kcallon@mt.gov | 444-9327 |
Procurement Services Section Supervisor, Shannon Gilskey | sgilskey@mt.gov | 444-9209 |
Transportation Funding and Finance Section Supervisor, Kendra Smith | kesmith@mt.gov | 444-0806 |
State Appropriations Management Section Supervisor, Cassy Anderson | cassyanderson@mt.gov | 444-6024 |
Mailroom | 444-7248 | |
FAX Number | 444-5411 | |
Motor Fuels Information |
Agricultural, PTO, Reefer, and Off-road refunds: | 444-6030 | |
Questions or information on filing tax reports for IFTA, CNG, LPG, Motor Fuels A/R's: | 444-7664 | |
Gasoline/Special Fuel Distributors: | 444-7276 | |
Dyed Fuel/Fuel Tax Laws/Administrative Rules: | 444-0806 | |
FAX Number | 444-5411 | |
Main Number | 444-2506 | |
Administrator, Tim Conway | tconway@mt.gov | 444-9547 |
Financial Contact, Katelyn Reich | kareich@mt.gov | 444-7279 |
FAX Number | 444-2519 | |
Airport/Airways Bureau |
Main Number | 444-2506 | |
Bureau Chief, Karen Hallenbeck | khallenbeck@mt.gov | 444-9581 |
Aircraft/Airport Mechanic, Derrick Olheiser | dolheiser@mt.gov | 444-9592 |
Aviation Support Officer, Stephen Torske | storske@mt.gov | 444-9569 |
Manager Yellowstone Airport, Jeff Kadlec | jkadlec@mt.gov | 646-7631 |
Airport Facilities Specialist, Yellowstone Airport, Adam Moulton | amoulton@mt.gov | 646-7631 |
Operations Specialist, Yellowstone Airport, Bron Hansen | brhansen@mt.gov | 646-7631 |
Aeronautics Safety & Education Bureau |
Main Number | 444-2506 | |
Bureau Chief, Matt Lindberg | mlindberg@mt.gov | 444-9568 |
Registration and Aviation Specialist, Page Green | pgreen@mt.gov | 444-7266 |
Aviation Program Coordinator, Barbara Barnum | bbarnum@mt.gov | 444-2506 |
Aviation Program Manager, Vacant | 444-9580 | |
ENGINEERING DIVISION2701 Prospect Avenue |
Main Number | 444-6201 | |
Chief Engineer, Dustin Rouse | drouse@mt.gov | 444-6005 |
Preconstruction Engineer, Ryan Dahlke | rdahlke@mt.gov | 444-7292 |
Construction Engineer, Dave Gates | dgates@mt.gov | 444-6015 |
Engineering Operations Bureau Chief, Kathy James | kjames@mt.gov | 444-6327 |
Financial Contact, Fiscal Officer, David Phillips | dphillips@mt.gov | 444-6291 |
Accountant, Vacant | 444-6241 | |
FAX Number | 444-2486 | |
Aircraft Unit |
Pilot, Patrick Smith | psmith@mt.gov | 444-6390 |
Hangar | 444-0766 | |
Bridge Bureau |
Main Number | 444-6259 | |
Bureau Chief, Andy Cullison | acullison@mt.gov | 444-6260 |
Bridge Design Engineer, Tyler Steffan | tsteffan@mt.gov | 444-7800 |
Bridge Management Engineer, Vacant | 444-9221 | |
Bridge Maintenance Engineer, David Crumley | dcrumley@mt.gov | 444-6320 |
Bridge Area Engineers |
Billings, Jin Nelson | jinnelson@mt.gov | 444-9218 |
Butte, Vacant | ||
Glendive, Scott Walter | swalter@mt.gov | 444-6252 |
Great Falls, DeWayne Wilson | dewilson@mt.gov | 444-9400 |
Missoula, Vacant | ||
FAX Number | 444-6155 | |
Construction Engineering Services Bureau (CES) |
Main Number | 444-6001 | |
Bureau Chief, Shane Pegram | spegram@mt.gov | 444-6289 |
Construction Review Section |
Section Supervisor, Fred Beal | fbeal@mt.gov | 444-9232 |
Construction Reviewer Butte District, Matt Collingwood | mcollingwood@mt.gov | 556-4708 |
Construction Reviewer Missoula District, Dean Jones | dejones@mt.gov | 523-5826 |
Construction Reviewer Billings District, Paul Rieger | prieger@mt.gov | 255-0123 |
Construction Traffic Control Engineer, Jeremy Wilde | jwilde@mt.gov | 444-4667 |
Bridge Reviewer, Bill Felton | wfelton@mt.gov | 657-0271 |
Bridge Reviewer, Luke Francis | lfrancis@mt.gov | 523-5856 |
Bridge Reviewer, Jim Sullivan | jsullivan@mt.gov | 788-8753 |
Construction Materials Reviewer, Mike Dodge | mdodge@mt.gov | |
Constructability Review/VA/Specifications Section |
Value Analysis Engineer - Section Supervisor, Joe Green | jgreen@mt.gov | 444-0464 |
CES Constructability Reviewer - (Billings - Glendive), Chris Trautmann | ctrautmann@mt.gov | 657-0277 |
Specifications Engineer - Constructability Reviewer, John MacMillan | jmacmillan@mt.gov | 490-6174 |
Constructability Reviewer (Butte) - Specifications Specialist, Paul Cogley | pcogley@mt.gov | 581-7696 |
Constructability Reviewer (Missoula) - Specifications Specialist, Steve McEvoy | stmcevoy@mt.gov | 444-6295 |
Construction Administration Section |
Contract Administration Section Supervisor, Vacant | 444-6019 | |
Engineering Compliance Specialist, Kathy Terrio | kterrio@mt.gov | 475-2258 |
Engineering Contract Specialist, Michael Doherty | midoherty@mt.gov | 444-6017 |
Engineering Contract Specialist, Thomas Burnett | tburnett@mt.gov | 444-6161 |
Engineering Contract Specialist, Kurtis Miros | kmiros@mt.gov | 475-2093 |
Engineering Contract Specialist, Brad Burns | brburns@mt.gov | 475-4306 |
Consultant Design Bureau |
Main Number | 444-6209 | |
Bureau Chief, Kelly Williams | kwilliams@mt.gov | 444-7964 |
Administrative Assistant, Sheryl Tangen | stangen@mt.gov | 444-6209 |
Consultant Plans Section Supervisor, Jason Senn | jasenn@mt.gov | 444-9128 |
TA Section Supervisor, David Holien | dholien@mt.gov | 444-6118 |
FAX Number | 444-6253 | |
Engineering Construction Contracting Bureau |
Bureau Chief, Darin Reynolds | dreynolds@mt.gov | 461-4665 |
Construction Contracting Section Supervisor, Miki Lloyd | mlloyd@mt.gov | 444-9200 |
Engineering Contract Specialist, Ed Cohlhepp | ecohlhepp@mt.gov | 444-6284 |
Engineering Contract Specialist, Erik Martini | emartini@mt.gov | 461-2888 |
Engineering Contract Tech, Hayden Burnett | hburnett@mt.gov | 444-6214 |
Engineering Contract Tech, Glen Larson | glarson@mt.gov | 444-7628 |
Engineering Contract Tech, Brook Bennett | bbennett@mt.gov | 444-6212 |
Engineering Contract Tech, Sharon Thomas | shathomas@mt.gov | 444-6215 |
Alternative Contracting Section Supervisor, John Pavsek | jpavsek@mt.gov | 444-6213 |
Alternative Contracting Engineer, Brandon Graff | bgraff@mt.gov | 444-2808 |
Alternative Contracting Engineer, Ellen Hinshaw | ehinshaw@mt.gov | 523-5863 |
Civil Engineering Specialist, Clancy Williams | clwilliams@mt.gov | 444-6211 |
FAX Number | 444-7236 | |
Engineering Operations Bureau |
Engineering Operations Bureau Chief, Kathy James | kjames@mt.gov | 444-6327 |
Project Manager, Regina Bieber | rbieber@mt.gov | 444-7624 |
Project Manager, Patrick Lane | plane@mt.gov | 444-0622 |
Project Manager, Brandi Shepherd | bshepherd@mt.gov | 444-7039 |
Engineering Training |
Training Coordinator, Lori Amestoy | lamestoy@mt.gov | 444-6379 |
Engineering Training, Michelle Wheat | miwheat@mt.gov | 444-6333 |
Construction Training, Jennifer Sowieja | jsowieja@mt.gov | 653-6719 |
EPS Computer Support Specialist, Kim Cross | kimcross@mt.gov | 444-3143 |
Engineering Systems Section |
Engineering Systems Section Supervisor, Vacant | ||
Lead AWP Computer Systems Analyst, Christopher Cole | ccole@mt.gov | 444-7661 |
Lead CADD/EPS Computer Systems Analyst, Beth Pointer | bpointer@mt.gov | 444-6245 |
AWP Computer Systems Analyst, Andrew Blyzka | ablyzka@mt.gov | |
AWP Computer Systems Analyst, Sterling Cullen | scullen@mt.gov | 444-6013 |
AWP Computer Systems Analyst, Lydia Dold | ldold@mt.gov | 444-9212 |
CADD Computer Systems Analyst, Amanda Leslie | aleslie@mt.gov | 444-6210 |
CADD Computer Systems Analyst, Vacant | ||
EPS Computer Systems Analyst, Andy Erion | aerion@mt.gov | 444-2662 |
EPS Computer Systems Analyst, Clint Jatkowski | cjatkowski@mt.gov | 444-6207 |
Research Section |
Main Number and Library Number | 444-6338 | |
Research Section Supervisor, Rebecca Ridenour | rridenour@mt.gov | 444-7203 |
Research Librarian, Anders Johnson | anjohnson@mt.gov | 444-0871 |
Experimental Project Manager, Vacant | 444-6269 | |
Geotechnical and Pavement Bureau |
Main Number | 444-6281 | |
Bureau Chief, Jeff Jackson | jejackson@mt.gov | 444-3371 |
Administrative Assistant, Elise Schultz | eschultz@mt.gov | 444-6281 |
Non-Destructive Testing Supervisor, Billy Hancock | bhancock@mt.gov | 444-7257 |
Pavement Management Supervisor, Vacant | 444-6149 | |
Geotechnical Operations Manager, Cameron Kloberdanz | ckloberdanz@mt.gov | 444-9210 |
Pavement Analysis Engineer, DJ Berg | djberg@mt.gov | 444-2067 |
Pavement Design Engineer, Miles Yerger | myerger@mt.gov | 444-7650 |
Field Investigation Unit Supervisor, Jon Neace | jneace@mt.gov | 444-6396 |
FAX Number | 444-6204 | |
Highways Bureau |
Acting Bureau Chief, Megan Cail | mcail@mt.gov | 444-6230 |
Highways Design Engineer, Megan Cail | mcail@mt.gov | 444-6230 |
Hydraulics Design Engineer, Jen Johnson | jjohnson@mt.gov | 444-6254 |
Engineering Cost Analyst, Brett Harris | bharris@mt.gov | 444-7967 |
Hydraulics Engineer, Dave Hedstrom | dhedstrom@mt.gov | 444-7961 |
Hydraulics Operation Engineer, Annette Compton | ancompton@mt.gov | 444-5988 |
Photogrammetry & Survey Supervisor, Bill Weber | wiweber@mt.gov | 444-6321 |
Surveying, Rob Mihalovich | rmihalovich@mt.gov | 444-6020 |
Aerial Photos, Chris Blumberg | cblumberg@mt.gov | 444-9294 |
Road Design Engineer, Jeremy Terry | jterry@mt.gov | 444-6226 |
Highways Engineering Analyst, Brandon Jones | brjones@mt.gov | 464-9640 |
CADD Visualization, John Ascheman | jascheman@mt.gov | 444-7410 |
FAX Number | 444-7635 | |
Road Design Project Managers |
Missoula - Josh Dold | jdold@mt.gov | 444-6228 |
Butte - Rebecca Barbula | rbarbula@mt.gov | 444-6227 |
Great Falls, RJ Snyder | rosnyder@mt.gov | 444-6229 |
Glendive - Joy Fleming | jofleming@mt.gov | 345-8221 |
Billings - Jacob Brotzler | jbrotzler@mt.gov | 657-0266 |
FAX Number, Project Managers | 444-7635 | |
MSU Design (Bozeman) - Chad Welborn | cwelborn@mt.gov | 994-1843 |
FAX Number | 994-1870 | |
Materials Bureau |
Main Number | 444-6300 | |
Bureau Chief, Jim Davies | jdavies@mt.gov | 444-3424 |
Administrative Assistant, Kat Schultz | kshultz@mt.gov | 444-6291 |
Testing Operations Supervisor, Matt Needham | maneedham@mt.gov | 444-7260 |
Inspection Operations Supervisor, Paul Bushnell | pbushnell@mt.gov | 444-7041 |
Chief Chemist, John Cloonan | jcloonan@mt.gov | 444-7282 |
Concrete/Aggregate Supervisor, Wes Dess | wdess@mt.gov | 444-6343 |
Implementation Specialist, Michelle Gale | mgale@mt.gov | 438-3199 |
Materials Certification, Melissa Stroh | mstroh@mt.gov | 444-6268 |
Quality Control Supervisor, Anson Moffett | amoffett@mt.gov | 444-5407 |
State Materials Engineer, Randy Boysen | rboysen@mt.gov | 461-2325 |
FAX Number | 444-6204 | |
Right of Way Bureau |
Main Number | 444-6056 | |
Bureau Chief, Jason Gilliam | jgilliam@mt.gov | 444-6063 |
Lands Manager, Jonathan Ries | jories@mt.gov | 444-7603 |
Acquisition Manager, Bob Heiser | rheiser@mt.gov | 444-6205 |
Utilities Manager, Steve Giard | sgiard@mt.gov | 444-6077 |
FAX Number | 444-7254 | |
Traffic & Safety Bureau |
Bureau Chief, Gabe Priebe | gpriebe@mt.gov | 444-9252 |
Administrative Support, Andrea Carroll Smith | acarrollsmith@mt.gov | 444-7237 |
Traffic Design Section Supervisor, Tyrel Murfitt | tmurfitt@mt.gov | 444-6217 |
Traffic Operations Section Supervisor, Stan Brelin | sbrelin@mt.gov | 444-6135 |
Traffic Safety Engineering Section Supervisor, Patricia Burke | pburke@mt.gov | 444-9420 |
Rail/Highway Safety Unit Supervisor, John Althof | jalthof@mt.gov | 444-7247 |
Access Management Specialist, Jon Burnett | jburnett@mt.gov | 444-4262 |
Traffic & Safety FAX Number | 444-0807 | |
Main Number | 444-6054 | |
Division Administrator, Sharon Duncan | shduncan@mt.gov | 444-6048 |
Project Manager/Data Analyst, Vacant | 444-9235 | |
HR Assistant, Elisa Schock | eschock@mt.gov | 444-6054 |
HR Assistant, Rebecca Gerst | rgerst@mt.gov | 444-6046 |
FAX Number | 444-7685 | |
Occupational Safety & Health Bureau |
Manager, Justin Ulmen | julmen@mt.gov | 523-5862 |
Safety Consultant - Helena, Vacant | 444-6924 | |
Safety Consultant - Missoula/Kalispell, David Wilson | dawilson@mt.gov | 751-2014 |
Safety Consultant - Butte/Bozeman, Dalton Bragg | dbragg@mt.gov | 494-9600 |
Safety Consultant - Great Falls/Havre, Zachary Vaughn | zvaughn@mt.gov | 455-8331 |
Safety Consultant - Glendive/WP/Miles City, Aaron Plocek | aplocek@mt.gov | 345-8213 |
Safety Consultant - Billings/Lewistown, Russell Hale | rhale@mt.gov | 657-0275 |
Human Resources Bureau |
Helena Human Resources Manager, Vacant | 444-6044 | |
District Human Resources Manager, Tami Bishop Rhodes | tbishoprhodes@mt.gov | 444-9295 |
HR Generalist - Billings, Lori Edgar | ledgar@mt.gov | 657-0221 |
HR Generalist - Butte, Shirley Cortright | shcortright@mt.gov | 494-9608 |
HR Generalist - Glendive, Jordan Ulrich | julrich@mt.gov | 345-8207 |
HR Generalist - Great Falls, Sarah Peterson | sjpeterson@mt.gov | 475-2928 |
HR Generalist - Missoula, Shannon Carter | scarter@mt.gov | 523-5876 |
HR Generalist - Engineering Division, Tiffany Thornton | tithornton@mt.gov | 475-0709 |
HR Generalist - Administration/Aeronautics/Audit/Civil Rights/Director's Office/Legal/Maintenance, Alycia Gereg | agereg@mt.gov | 475-1712 |
HR Generalist - Information Services Division & Planning Division, Vacant | ||
HR Specialist - Labor & Employee Relations Specialist/Motor Carrier Services, Vacant | 444-6051 | |
HR Generalist - Missoula District, Sadie Hansen | shansen@mt.gov | 594-6249 |
HR Generalist - Butte District, Michaela Cortright | mcortright@mt.gov | 494-9623 |
ADA Coordinator, Alice Flesch | aflesch@mt.gov | 475-1832 |
Compensation Specialist, Laurie Edwards | ledwards@mt.gov | 444-6053 |
Workforce Planning Section |
Manager, Renae Lang | rlang@mt.gov | 475-5590 |
Talent Acquisition Specialist, Angela Murolo | amurolo@mt.gov | |
Learning & Development Consultant, Robyn Carter | rocarter@mt.gov | 444-7647 |
Learning & Development Consultant, Mathew Peterson-Walter | mwalter@mt.gov | 444-5480 |
Learning & Development Consultant, Kacey Dziekonski | kdziekonski@mt.gov | 444-7477 |
HR Recruiter - Helena, Elizabeth Otte | eotte@mt.gov | 475-1679 |
Main Number | 444-6311 | |
ISD Administrator, Michelle Hauer | 444-6159 | |
Infrastructure and Operations Bureau Chief, John Levick | jlevick@mt.gov | 444-6406 |
Software & Data Bureau Chief, Jack Dartman | jdartman@mt.gov | 444-7937 |
Customer Support | 444-6311 | |
Records Management Services, Tracy Cuddy | tcuddy@mt.gov | 444-7268 |
FAX Number | 444-6127 | |
MAINTENANCE DIVISION2701 Prospect Avenue |
Main Phone | 444-7220 | |
Maintenance Administrator, Jon Swartz | 444-6157 | |
Program Manager, DES Coordinator, Susan McEachern | smceachern@mt.gov | 444-6153 |
Administrative Assistant, Linda Strong | lstrong@mt.gov | 444-7220 |
Administrative Assistant, Vacant | 444-6511 | |
Administrative Assistant, Meghan McCumbers | mmccumbers@mt.gov | 444-6160 |
FAX Number | 444-7684 | |
Maintenance Operations |
Sign Shop, Harlan Davis | hdavis@mt.gov | 444-6357 |
Business Process Analyst, Lindsay Meeks | lmeeks@mt.gov | 444-6352 |
Roadside Specialist/Weed Coordinator, Jason Allen | jallen@mt.gov | 444-6991 |
Maintenance & Equipment Training, Mark Criner | mcriner@mt.gov | 444-0822 |
TRAVELER INFORMATION (Winter Conditions, Construction, Incidents) |
Traveler Information Web Site | mdt.mt.gov/travinfo or www.511mt.net |
TOLL Free Number - Statewide Report | 511 (in state) or |
Program Manager, Curtis Buckley | cbuckley@mt.gov | 444-6372 |
Local Area Road Reports (Recordings): |
Call 511 for local reports | 511 | |
Communications Bureau |
Chief, Phill Balsley | pbalsley@mt.gov | 444-6305 |
Communications Engineer/Technician Supervisor, Dave Green | dagreen@mt.gov | 538-1305 |
FAX Number | 444-6353 | |
Equipment Bureau |
Chief, Walt Kerttula | wkerttula@mt.gov | 444-6151 |
Equipment Shop Supervisor, Doug Robbins | dorobbins@mt.gov | 444-7690 |
Equipment Reviewer, Tim Mahlum | tmahlum@mt.gov | 444-6812 |
Fiscal Manager, Bo Antila | bantila@mt.gov | 444-6319 |
Equipment Shop | 444-6355 | |
FAX Number | 444-7234 | |
Facilities Bureau |
Chief, Mike Murolo | mmurolo@mt.gov | 444-6163 |
Building Maintenance | 444-6200 | |
Facility Inspector, Joe Norris | jnorris@mt.gov | 444-7386 |
FAX Number | 444-0865 | |
Maintenance Bureau |
Operations Manager, Doug McBroom | dmcbroom@mt.gov | 444-6157 |
Project Facilitation Supervisor, Matt Steveson | msteveson@mt.gov | 444-6035 |
Contract Reviewer, Jeremy Ward | jeward@mt.gov | 444-7604 |
Contract Reviewer, Pete Servel | pservel@mt.gov | 444-6375 |
Contract Reviewer, Jason Allen | jallen@mt.gov | 444-6991 |
Motor Pool Unit |
Manager, Mike Solem | msolem@mt.gov | 444-2682 |
Motor Pool Dispatch | 444-2705 | |
Motor Pool Rental Rates, Bo Antila | bantila@mt.gov | 444-6319 |
FAX Number | 444-0287 | |
Main Number | 444-6130 | |
Administrator, Eric Belford |
444-7312 |
Financial Contact, Jeannie Lake | jeanniedlake@mt.gov | 444-6146 |
Motor Carrier Services Menu |
*For licensing, permitting or enforcement inquiries, please press 1 |
For online permitting assistance or to order a permit | 406-444-6130 press 1 | |
For commercial licensing, apportioned registration or on-line licensing assistance | 406-444-6130 press 2 | |
For personal title and non-apportioned registration | 406-444-6130 press 3 | |
For Enforcement inquiries | 406-444-6130 press 4 | |
For ePART Password resets | 406-444-6130 press 5 | |
To hear these options again | 406-444-6130 press 9 | |
To return to the main menu | 406-444-6130 press 0 | |
*For commercial truck safety information, CDL and medical card questions or ePART password reset, please press 2 |
For commercial truck safety information | 406-444-6130 press 1 | |
For Commercial Driver's Licensing & Medical Card questions | 406-444-6130 press 2 | |
For Driver License, Vehicle title and registration, and disability placards | 406-444-6130 press 3 | |
To hear these options again | 406-444-6130 press 9 | |
For all other questions remain on the line for assistance | ||
*For our business hours, please press 3 |
Commercial Vehicle Operations Bureau |
Bureau Chief, Vacant | 444-6139 | |
Supervisor, Myrlin Schatz | mschatz@mt.gov | 444-0816 |
FAX Number | 444-9263 | |
Enforcement Bureau |
Bureau Chief, Russ Christoferson | rchristoferson@mt.gov | 444-0454 |
Major, Chris Williams | chrwilliams@mt.gov | 444-7629 |
Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program |
MCSAP Manager, Jeff Steeger | jsteeger@mt.gov | 444-4207 |
Motor Vehicle Inspection Section Supervisor, Kevin Stubbs | kstubbs@mt.gov | 690-3878 |
Transport of Hazardous Materials | 444-3300 | |
Fax Number | 444-7681 | |
Commercial Driver Related Issues |
Commercial Drivers License Information | 444-3244 | |
Division Administrator, Rob Stapley | rostapley@mt.gov | 444-3445 |
Financial Section Supervisor, Jennifer Andrews | jeandrews@mt.gov | 444-6100 |
Transportation Program and Policy Analyst, Jason Hughey | jhughey@mt.gov | 444-4262 |
FAX Number | 444-7671 | |
Data and Analysis Bureau |
Data & Analysis Bureau Chief, Ed Ereth | eereth@mt.gov | 444-6111 |
Traffic Data Collection & Analysis Supervisor, Becky Duke | bduke@mt.gov | 444-6122 |
Electronic Equipment Unit Supervisor, Tedd Little | tlittle@mt.gov | 444-9417 |
Geospatial Information Supervisor, Brian Andersen | brandersen@mt.gov | 444-6103 |
Project Analysis Manager, Paul Johnson | paujohnson@mt.gov | 444-7259 |
Secondary Roads Engineer, Andy White | awhite@mt.gov | 444-9194 |
Multimodal Planning Bureau |
Multimodal Planning Bureau Chief, Vacant | 444-9240 | |
Integrated Transportation & Publications Supervisor, Sheila Ludlow | sludlow@mt.gov | 444-9193 |
Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator, Shelby Clark | shclark@mt.gov | 444-9273 |
Electric Vehicles Planner, Ben Murphy | bemurphy@mt.gov | 444-7294 |
Freight & Rail Planner, Heather Kuklo | hkuklo@mt.gov | 444-3439 |
Communication & Publications Planner, Lauren Eichenfels | leichenfels@mt.gov | 444-7614 |
Discretionary Funding & Analysis Supervisor, Nick Hill | nihill@mt.gov | 444-7609 |
Statewide & Urban Planning Supervisor, Mitch Buthod | mbuthod@mt.gov | 444-9238 |
Missoula District Planner, Victoria Crnich | vcrnich@mt.gov | 444-7653 |
Butte District Planner, Beth Clarkson | elclarkson@mt.gov | 444-9274 |
Great Falls District Planner, Geoffery Streeter | gstreeter@mt.gov | 444-9131 |
Glendive & Billings Districts Planner, Samantha Wood | swood@mt.gov | 444-6121 |
Air Quality Planner, Nikki Jurkovac | njurkovac@mt.gov | 444-6256 |
Transit, Safety & Planning Bureau |
Transit, Safety & Planning Bureau Chief, Tammy Ross | tross@mt.gov | 444-9192 |
Transit Supervisor, Adam Kraft | akraft@mt.gov | 444-6120 |
System Impact Analysis Supervisor, LeRoy Wosoba | lwosoba@mt.gov | 444-9233 |
State Highway Traffic Safety Supervisor, Kevin Dusko | kedusko@mt.gov | 444-7411 |
FARS Analyst, Brooklyn Johns-Blassic | bjohnsblassic@mt.gov | 444-7302 |
Occupant Protection Planner, Vacant | 444-0809 | |
Impaired Driving Planner, Vacant | 444-7417 | |
Law Enforcement Liaison, Spencer Harris | sharris@mt.gov | 444-0856 |
Cultural Liaison, Sheila Cozzie | scozzie@mt.gov | 444-7301 |
FAX Number | 444-9409 | |
Environmental Services Bureau |
Environmental Services Bureau Chief, Tom Martin | tomartin@mt.gov | 444-0879 |
Remediation & Assessment Supervisor, Joe Radonich | jradonich@mt.gov | 444-9204 |
Environmental Engineering Supervisor, Tom Gocksch | tgocksch@mt.gov | 444-9412 |
Missoula/Glendive Project Development Engineer, Grant Rodway | grrodway@mt.gov | 444-0825 |
Butte Project Development Engineer, Sam Ahlrich | sahlrich@mt.gov | 444-7693 |
Great Falls Project Development Engineer, Derek Fleming | dffleming@mt.gov | 444-7648 |
Billings Project Development Engineer, Tommy Griffeth | thgriffeth@mt.gov | 444-7202 |
Field Services Engineer, Walt Ludlow | wludlow@mt.gov | 444-9227 |
Environmental Resources Supervisor, Bill Semmens | bsemmens@mt.gov | 444-7227 |
Butte District Biologist, Deborah Wambach | dwambach@mt.gov | 444-0461 |
Great Falls District Biologist, Paul Sturm | psturm@mt.gov | 444-9438 |
Glendive District Biologist, Larry Sickerson | lsickerson@mt.gov | 444-0462 |
Billings District Biologist, Susan Lenard | slenard@mt.govv | 444-0845 |
Wetland Specialist, Larry Urban | lurban@mt.gov | 444-6224 |
Historian, Jon Axline | jaxline@mt.gov | 444-6258 |
FAX Number | 444-7245 | |
Audit Services Unit |
Chief Auditor, Natalie Gibson | ngibson@mt.gov | 594-8465 |
Internal Audit Manager, Sherrie Lindbo | slindbo@mt.gov | |
External Audit Manager, Vacant | ||
FAX Number | 444-9244 | |
Office of Legal Services |
Main Number | 444-6090 | |
Chief Legal Counsel, Valerie A. Balukas | vbalukas@mt.gov | 444-7649 |
Senior General Counsel, Vacant | ||
Acting Senior Litigation Counsel, Hannah Woolsey | hwoolsey@mt.gov | 444-6095 |
Staff Attorney II, Eli Clarkson | eclarkson@mt.gov | 444-9058 |
Staff Attorney II, Charlena Toro | charlenatoro@mt.gov | 444-6096 |
Staff Attorney II, Bart LaMont | blamont@mt.gov | 444-9455 |
Staff Attorney, Tyler Moss | tmoss@mt.gov | 444-6094 |
Paralegal, Karla Smerker | ksmerker@mt.gov | 444-5477 |
Paralegal/ Policy Manager, Aliselina Strong | astrong@mt.gov | 444-9415 |
Public Information Request Program Manager, Betty Huckins | bhuckins@mt.gov | 444-0812 |
Legal Assistant, Veronica Torgerson | vtorgerson@mt.gov | 444-7277 |
FAX Number | 444-7206 | |
Office of Civil Rights |
Main Number | 444-6331 | |
Bureau Chief, Vacant | 444-6324 | |
Program Supervisor, Maghan Strachan | mastrachan@mt.gov | 444-0841 594-5209 |
Compliance Specialist, Chris Ferguson | cferguson@mt.gov | 444-6945 |
Small Business Specialist, Maggie Metzger | mmetzger@mt.gov | 444-6337 |
Small Business Specialist, Janene Shepherd | jashepherd@mt.gov | 444-6042 |
Small Business Specialist, Vacant | 444-7287 | |
Reporting Analyst, Rachal Conner | rconner@mt.gov | 444-5534 |
External ADA Coordinator, Matt Maze | mmaze@mt.gov | 444-5416 |
Affirmative Action Officer, Vacant | 444-7481 | |
Title VI Coordinator, Kim Vietz | kvietz@mt.gov | 444-6334 |
FAX Number | 444-7243 |