Walt Sullivan BuildingPhysical Address: Website: https://dli.mt.gov/ |
Information Desk | ||
Automated Listings | ||
TDD (Telephone Device for the Deaf) | ||
Commissioner's OfficePhysical Address: Mailing Address: Phone: |
Commissioner, Sarah Swanson | Sarah.Swanson@mt.gov |
Deputy Commissioner, Jay Phillips | (406) 444-9584 jay.phillips@mt.gov |
Administrative Specialist, Rhonda Morgan | rmorgan@mt.gov |
Office of Legal Services |
Chief Legal, Quinlan O'Connor | qoconnor@mt.gov |
Legal Secretary, Brandon Kirchgasler | bkirchgasler@mt.gov |
Office of Community ServiceMailing Address: Website: https://www.serve.mt.gov/ |
Director, Sarah Sadowski |
Communications Specialist, Vacant |
Program Officer, Kristina Jordan |
Fiscal Officer, Keena Irby |
Administrative Specialist, Anastasia Matheison |
Grants Specialist, Elaine Dahl |
Training Specialist, Vacant |
Office of Human Resources |
Human Resources Officer, Rende Mackay | RMackay@mt.gov |
Human Resources Support Specialist, Carrie Greeley |
(406) 444-7069 |
Human Resources Generalist, Becky Millman |
Human Resources Generalist, Emily Rask |
Human Resources Generalist, Blair Mackay |
Payroll Lead - Denise Gjerde |
Payroll Specialist - Eran Saunders | (406) 444-3572 Eran.Saunders@mt.gov |
FAX Number | ||
Technology Services DivisionPhysical Address: |
Chief Information Officer, Kim Warren | kwarren@mt.gov |
Service Desk | ||
Service Desk Email | servicedesk@.mt.gov | |
Service Desk URL | https://montana.servicenowservices.com/sp/ | |
Centralized Services DivisionPhysical Address: Mailing Address: Phone: |
Administrator, Robin Graham | rgraham@mt.gov |
Front Desk | ||
Fax Number | ||
Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) |
Chief Administrative Law Judge, Judy Bovington | jbovington@mt.gov |
OAH FAX Number | ||
Fiscal Support Unit |
Fiscal Management Bureau Chief - Mike Burke |
Accounting Services Bureau Chief - Megan Alfson |
Budget Supervisor - Stacey Bradley | stacey.bradley2@mt.gov | |
Accounting Supervisor - Sarah Rigo |
(406) 444-4707 |
Contracts Officer - Octavia Brewer | ||
Employment Standards DivisionPhysical Address: Website: esd.dli.mt.gov |
Administrator, Vacant |
Business StandardsPhysical Address: Mailing Address: Main Line: Professional License Customer Service: Website: bsd.dli.mt.gov |
Deputy Administrator, Dave Cook |
Building and Commercial Measurements BureauPhone: Fax: Email: BUILDINGCODES@MT.GOV |
Bureau Chief, Eric Copeland |
Building Codes/East, Supervisor, Darrell Aaby |
Building Codes/East, Inspector, Yancey Beston |
Building Codes/East, Inspector, Zachary Brush |
Building Codes/East, Inspector, Josh Helmuth |
Building Codes/East, Inspector, Audra Stafford |
Building Codes/East, Inspector, Kathy Teter |
Building Codes/South Central, Supervisor, Michael Nasheim |
Building Codes/South Central, Inspector, Karen Courtney |
Building Codes/South Central, Inspector, Ryan Doherty |
Building Codes/South Central, Inspector, Justin Ferebee | Justin.Ferebee@mt.gov | |
Building Codes/South Central, Inspector, Derryck Jones |
Building Codes/South Central, Inspector, Shay Lilleberg |
Building Codes/Southwest, Supervisor, Skip Gee |
Building Codes/Southwest, Inspector, Carol Barrie |
Building Codes/Southwest, Inspector, Sean Beach |
Building Codes/Southwest, Inspector, Chase Diemert |
Building Codes/Southwest, Inspector, Stephen Geiger |
Building Codes/Southwest, Inspector, Chad Sutter |
chad.sutter@mt.gov |
Building Codes/Southwest, Inspector, Shawn Rupp |
Building Codes/Southwest, Inspector, Colin Thomas |
406-841-2055 |
Building Codes/West, Supervisor, Paul Drake |
Building Codes/West, Inspector, Steve Clark |
Building Codes/West, Inspector, Nathan Brush |
Building Codes/West, Inspector, Ron Fennell |
Building Codes/West, Inspector, Eric Gerrity | eric.gerrity@mt.gov |
Building Codes/West, Inspector, David Klaus |
Building Codes/West, Inspector, Mason Shaw | mason.shaw@mt.gov |
Building Codes/West, Inspector, Robert Athman |
406-439-4106 robert.athman@mt.gov |
Weights and Measures, Section Chief, Brent Ricks |
Weights and Measures, Supervisor, Sam Osborne |
Weights and Measures, Inspector, Mathieu Bianchini |
Weights and Measures, Inspector, Don Briggs |
Weights and Measures, Inspector, Jason Coates |
Weights and Measures, Inspector, Joseph Crouchet |
Weights and Measures, Metrologist, Dave Fraser |
Weights and Measures, Inspector, Josh Jenkins |
Josh.Jenkins@mt.gov |
Weights and Measures, Inspector, Brandon Brizendine |
Weights and Measures, Inspector, Layton Kelly |
Weights and Measures, Inspector, Tracy Lasalle |
Weights and Measures, Inspector, Timothy Stephens |
Boiler/Elevator, Inspector, Seth Beattie |
Boiler/Elevator, Inspector, Steven Knighten |
Elevators, Inspector, Lysle Carter |
Elevators, Inspector, Tucker Fox |
Elevators, Inspector, Neil Fuller | Neil.Fuller@mt.gov | |
Elevators, Inspector, Kevin Thompson |
Elevators, Inspector, Vacant |
Boiler, Inspector, Robert Back |
Boiler, Inspector, Bill Sharp |
Plan Review, Plan Reviewer, Chase Diemert |
Plan Review, Plan Reviewer, Chad Sutter |
Plan Review, Plan Reviewer, Colin Thomas |
Plan Review, Technician Supervisor, Traci Collett |
Plan Review, Technician, Kelly Harris |
Plan Review, Technician, Tana Meuer |
Plan Review, Technician, Jennifer Reynolds |
Plan Review, Technician, Julie Strong |
Field Inspector Contact Information | https://bsd.dli.mt.gov/building-codes-permits/inspection-contact-information | |
Permit Technician, Julie Strong | ||
Permit Technician, Kelly Harris | ||
Permit Technician, Tana Meuer | ||
Permit Technician, Jennifer Reynolds | ||
Field Inspectors Areas https://bsd.dli.mt.gov/building-codes-permits/inspection-contact-information | ||
Permits | ||
Building Permits | Building Permits | |
Factory-Built Building Permits | Factory-Built Building Permits | |
Mechanical Permits | Mechanical Permits | |
Plumbing Permits | Plumbing Permits | |
Electrical Permits | Electrical Permits | |
Weights & Measures ProgramPhone: Fax: Mailing Address: Email: weightsandmeasures@mt.gov Website: Weights & Measures Program |
Program Manager, Brent Ricks |
Permit Tech, Tana Meuer | ||
Weights & Measures Metrology Lab |
Address: Website: Weights & Measures Metrology Lab |
Metrologist, Dave Fraser | ||
Field Inspector, Mathieu Bianchini | ||
Field Inspector, Samuel Osborne | ||
Field Inspector, Tracy La Salle | ||
Field Inspector, Tim Stephens | ||
Field Inspector, Joe Crouchet | ||
Field Inspector, Michael Kuntz | ||
Field Inspector, Vacant | ||
Field Inspector, Jason Coates | ||
Field Inspector, Don Briggs | ||
Field Inspector, Jason Kelly | ||
Building Codes and Measurement Bureau Programs & Resources | ||
Boiler Safety Section | Boiler Operating Certification | |
Elevator Safety Section | Elevator Operating Certification | |
Alternative Energy Sources | Alternative Energy Sources | |
Building Codes Council | Building Codes Council | |
Certified City, County, and Town Program | Certified City, County, and Town Program | |
Code Books | Purchase Code Books | |
Request a Code Interpretation | Code Interpretation Request | |
Building Codes Rules Notices | Building Codes Rules Notices | |
HUD 309 Inspections | Request a HUD 309 Inspection | |
Snow Load Information | Learn About Snow Loads | |
Underground Facility Protection | Underground Facility Protection Program | |
Professional and Occupational Licensing Bureau |
Professional Licensing Customer Service
Phone: Website: DLIBSDHELP@MT.GOV |
Bureau Chief, Dave Cook | ||
Compliance Unit | ||
Investigator, Jason Whitney | ||
Investigator, Jody Dalbec | ||
Investigator, T.J. Hunt | ||
Investigator, Cory Matkin | ||
Compliance Analyst, Heidi Kaufman | ||
Compliance Analyst, LaVelle Potter | ||
Compliance Analyst, Shelly Gloege | ||
Compliance Analyst, Beth Murphy | ||
Monitoring Specialist, Tiffany Clipper | ||
Continuous Improvement Unit | ||
Section Chief, Tawna Meldrum |
Supervisor, Knute Albright |
Business Analyst, Roxy Geiszler |
Compliance Tech, Trisha Shupe |
Outreach Specialist, Kaila Matteson |
Project Manager, Vacant |
Customer Service Tech |
Customer Service Tech, Jonathan Billings |
Customer Service Tech, Justin Dillavou |
Customer Service Tech, Martin Landry | Martin.Landry@mt.gov | |
Customer Service Tech, Stormie Lynn | Stormie.Lynn@mt.gov | |
Customer Service Tech, Taylor Novak |
Customer Service Tech, Nichole Simon |
Customer Service Tech, Amanda Stewart |
Customer Service Tech, Cody Vukonich |
Audit Unit
Processing Unit | ||
Unit Supervisor, Carrie Baker | ||
License Processing Unit | ||
Support Team |
Main Line, Support Team | ||
Unit Supervisor, Melissa West | ||
Compliance Inspector, Vacant | ||
Compliance Inspector, Brett Friede | ||
Compliance Inspector, Randy Schulelke | ||
Compliance Inspector, Timothy Siegle | ||
Compliance Inspector, Dan Hunter | ||
Professional and Occupation LicensingBoards and ProgramPhone: 444-6880 |
Alternative Health Care | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Architects and Landscape Architects | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Athletic Trainers | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Barbers and Cosmetologists | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Behavioral Health | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Chiropractors | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Clinical Laboratory Science Practitioners | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Electrical | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Funeral Service | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Hearing Aid Dispensers | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Massage Therapy | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Medical Examiners | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Nursing Home Administrators | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Occupational Therapists | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Pharmacist, Marcie Bough | ||
Pharmacy Inspector, Mark Klawitter | ||
Pharmacy Inspector, Genine Pitts | ||
MPDR Program Technician, Nikki Griffis | ||
Physical Therapy Examiners | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Private Security & Investigators | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Psychologists | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Public Accountants | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Radiologic Technologists | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Real Estate Appraisers | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Realty Regulation | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Respiratory Care | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Sanitarians | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Veterinary Medicine | BOARD INFORMATION | |
Boiler Operator Program | PROGRAM INFORMATION | |
Construction Blasters Program | PROGRAM INFORMATION | |
Crane/Hoisting Operator Program | PROGRAM INFORMATION | |
Elevator Contractors, Mechanics, and Inspectors Program | PROGRAM INFORMATION | |
Fire Protection License Program | ||
Genetic Counselor Program |
Employment RelationsAdministrators, Compliance & Investigation, Safety & Health, and Operation Bureaus Physical Address: Mailing Address: Main Number: |
Deputy Administrator, Bill Wheeler |
Medical Director, Maggie Cook-Shimanek | ||
Compliance & Investigative Bureau Chief, Theresa McGowan-Sroczyk |
Section Chief, Misty Knight |
Supervisor, Melissa West |
Compliance Specialist, Kris Brewer |
Compliance Specialist, Sarah Elledge |
Compliance Specialist, April Fife |
Compliance Specialist, Patty Flynn-Anderson |
Compliance Specialist, Melissa Hanson |
Compliance Specialist, Tina Hetley |
Compliance Specialist, Karla Ivie |
Compliance Specialist, Sheila Pfeifer |
Compliance Specialist, Lisa Routzahn |
Compliance Specialist, Sara Smith |
Compliance Specialist, Shanna Swigert |
Data Management, Section Chief, Doug Roope |
Data Management, Compliance Specialist, Cathy Haag |
Data Management, Administrative Assistant, Drew Zipperian |
Data Management, Research Analyst, Peggy Coggeshall |
Data Management, Research Analyst, Kristine Ediger |
Data Management, Research Analyst & Epidemiologist, Andrew Matheison |
Data Management, Research Analyst, William O'Malley |
Data Management, Research Analyst, Michael Smith |
Data Management, Research Assistant, Jacquie Haney |
Finance and Support, Supervisor, Adrianne McLean |
Finance and Support, Compliance Specialist, Amber Weekes |
Finance and Support, Collection Agent, Daysee Swant |
Finance and Support, Collection Agent, Linda Zander |
Finance and Support, Administrative Assistant, Vacant |
Finance and Support, Administrative Assistant, Lana Cooper |
Finance and Support, Administrative Assistant, Blair Mackay | Blair.Mackay@mt.gov | |
Finance and Support, Administrative Assistant, Michelle Marvin |
Finance and Support, Administrative Assistant, Eran Saunders |
Workers' Compensation, Medical Director, Maggie Cook-Shimanek |
Workers' Compensation, Supervisor, Jason Swant |
Workers' Compensation, Admin Specialist, Celeste Ackerman |
Workers' Compensation, Claims Examiner |
(406) 444-1653 |
Workers' Compensation, Claims Examiner, Cindy Zimmerman |
Workers' Compensation, Compliance Specialist, Mike Bartow |
Workers' Compensation, Compliance Specialist, Nick Poole |
nicholas.poole@mt.gov |
Workers' Compensation, Compliance Specialist, Ken Biskupiak |
Workers' Compensation, Compliance Specialist, Lindi Mandy | LMandy@mt.gov | |
Worker's Compensation, Compliance Tech, Lacy Silvan |
Workers' Compensation, Program Specialist, Nikkila Hartman |
Independent Contractor/Contractor Registration/Professional Licensing, Supervisor, Jeff Garden |
Independent Contractor/Contractor Registration, Inspector, Rebecca Averill | Rebecca.Averill2@mt.gov | |
Independent Contractor/Contractor Registration, Inspector, Alex Brunett |
Independent Contractor/Contractor Registration, Inspector |
Independent Contractor/Contractor Registration, Inspector, Joseph Pennington |
Independent Contractor/Contractor Registration, Inspector, Jodi Stephenson |
Jodi.Stephenson@mt.gov |
Professional and Occupational Licensing, Inspector, Wyatt Duthie |
Professional and Occupational Licensing, Inspector, Brett Friede |
Professional and Occupational Licensing, Inspector, Tim Siegle |
Professional and Occupational Licensing, Inspector, Shawn Wright |
Cranes, Inspector, Dan Hunter |
Safety Compliance, Supervisor, Jake Sandau |
Mine Safety, Safety Consultant, Ryan Gentry |
Mine Safety, Safety Consultant, Gordon Brannon |
Safety Compliance, Safety Consultant, Michael Anderson |
Safety Compliance, Safety Consultant, Ryan Ashby |
Safety Compliance, Safety Consultant, CJ Holland |
Safety Compliance, Safety Consultant, Amy Horne |
Safety Compliance, Safety Consultant, Alexander Monteverde |
Safety Compliance, Safety Consultant, Brian Walsh |
Safety Consultation, Supervisor, Tiffany Ott |
Safety Consultation, Safety Consultant, Ethan Anderson |
Safety Consultation, Safety Consultant, Breeinna Bosch |
Safety Consultation, Safety Consultant, William Chilton |
Safety Consultation, Safety Consultant, Kayla Criscuolo |
Safety Consultation, Safety Consultant, Kaitlyn McGrath | Kaitlyn.McGrath@mt.gov | |
Safety Consultation, Safety Consultant, Shawn McLain |
Safety Consultation, Safety Consultant, Molly McNabb |
Safety Consultation, Safety Consultant, Drew Sheehy |
Safety Consultation, Safety Trainer, Theresa Stack | Theresa.Stack@mt.gov | |
Professional and Occupational Licensing, Supervisor, T.J. Hunt |
Professional and Occupational Licensing, Compliance Specialist, Jennifer Lane |
Professional and Occupational Licensing, Compliance Specialist, Heidi Kaufman |
Professional and Occupational Licensing, Compliance Specialist, Jeremy Rothenbuhler |
Professional and Occupational Licensing, Compliance Specialist, Beth Murphy |
Professional and Occupational Licensing, Compliance Specialist, Shelly Gloege |
Professional and Occupational Licensing, Investigator, Cory Matkin | Cory.Matkin@mt.gov | |
Professional and Occupational Licensing, Investigator, Jody Dalbec |
Professional and Occupational Licensing, Investigator, Jason Barkus | ceb474@mt.gov | |
Board Management, Section Chief, Kevin Bragg |
Board Management, Executive Officer, Marcie Bough |
Board Management, MPDR Manager, Nikki Griffis |
Board Management, Pharmacy Inspector, Mark Klawitter |
Board Management, Pharmacy Inspector, Genine Pitts |
Board Management, Executive Officer, Jed Breker |
Board Management, Executive Officer, Pamella Hakala | Pamella.Hakala@mt.gov | |
Board Management, Executive Officer, Sam Hunthausen |
Board Management, Executive Officer, Jodi Koehnke |
Board Management, Executive Officer, David Lopez |
Board Management, Executive Officer, Scott Magill |
Board Management, Executive Officer, Susie Osborne |
Board Management, Executive Officer, Sharon Peterson |
Board Management, Executive Officer, Missy Poortenga |
Board Management, Executive Officer, Amanda Reynolds |
Board Management, Executive Officer, Lucy Richards |
Board Management, Executive Officer, |
Board Management, Executive Officer, Jason Steffins |
Board Management, Executive Officer, Jay Unsworth |
Board Management, Executive Officer, Kelly Welsh |
Licensing, Section Chief, Hugh Pratt |
Licensing, Supervisor, Tracy Gonzalez |
Licensing, License Examiner, Kristi Andersen |
Licensing, License Examiner, Mary Benevides |
Licensing, License Examiner, Jennifer Billman |
Licensing, License Examiner, Brad Bowers |
Licensing, License Examiner, Brian Bowers |
Licensing, License Examiner, Amy Boylan |
Licensing, License Examiner, Elizabeth Carney |
Licensing, License Examiner, Shirley Dean |
Licensing, License Examiner, Jessi Giard |
Licensing, License Examiner, Brooke Jasmin-Carter |
Licensing, License Examiner, Rebecca Kagerer |
Licensing, License Examiner, Keegan Kier | Keegan.Kier@mt.gov | |
Licensing, License Examiner, Lynette Leikam |
Licensing, License Examiner, Jayne McLaughlin |
Licensing, License Examiner, Tabetha Orr |
Licensing, License Examiner, Casey Perkins |
Licensing, License Examiner, Morgan Sauer |
Licensing, License Examiner, Jazmyn Smith |
Licensing, License Examiner, Rheyse Struble |
Wage and Hour, Supervisor, Amy Smith |
Wage and Hour, Investigator, Andra Gatt |
Wage and Hour, Investigator, Dave Loewen |
Wage and Hour, Investigator, Bridger McDaniel |
Wage and Hour, Investigator, Bryce Peltomaa |
Mediation, Section Chief, Wendy Jackson |
Human Rights, Mediator, Stacey Weldele-Wade |
Labor Relations, Mediator, Max Hallfrisch |
Labor Relations, Mediator, David Luckey |
Workers' Compensation/Labor Relations, Mediator, Carissa Stahly |
Workers' Compensation, Mediator, Leslie Bowman |
Workers' Compensation, Mediator, Clare Held | Clare.Stiennon@mt.gov | |
Workers' Compensation, Mediator, Steven Scholl |
Workers' Compensation, Mediator, Marie Wilcox |
WC Court | ||
Human Rights BureauPhysical Address: Mailing Address: Main Number: |
Bureau Chief, Marieke Beck |
Case Manager, Tim Little |
Trainer, Chad Day |
Compliance Tech, Annah Howard |
Data Manager, Kimberly Cobos |
Investigator, Katherine Feehan |
Investigator, April LaBrecque |
Investigator, Jasmine Taylor |
Investigator, Vacant |
Investigator, Dena Helman |
Investigator, Shaunie Aklestad |
Investigator, Carla Lott |
Investigator, Meaghan Mulcahy |
Unemployment Insurance DivisionClaims Processing Center Contributions Bureau Main Number: Email Us |
Administrator, Paul Martin | ||
Program Support Bureau Chief, Rachel Bawden | ||
Claims Processing Bureau Chief, Amanda Lay | ||
Contributions Bureau Chief, Corena Benjamin | ||
Workforce Services DivisionPhysical Address: Mailing Address: Main Number: |
Administrator, Crystal Armstrong | Crystal.Armstrong@mt.gov |
Data and Operations Bureau |
Bureau Chief, Vacant | ||
Chief Economist, Chris Bradley | cbradley@mt.gov |
State Economist, Amy Watson | awatson@mt.gov |
BLS Programs Manager, Matt Betcher | MBetcher@mt.gov |
Monitoring Supervisor / EO Officer, Joe Rangitsch | JRangitsch@mt.gov |
Tech and Trainings Team Supervisor, Maggie Wright | maggie.wright@mt.gov |
Workforce Programs Director, Roy Valdez | Rogelio.Valdez@mt.gov |
Programs Supervisor, Tanner Woodward | TWoodward@mt.gov |
Business and Education Engagement Bureau |
Bureau Chief, Mike Williams | MWilliams4@mt.gov |
Career Lab Manager, Mary Ellen Earnhardt | MaryEllen.Earnhardt@mt.gov |
SAA Training Specialist, John Stankowiak | john.stankowiak@mt.gov |
Business Engagement Team Director, Vacant | ||
State Apprenticeship Director, Glen Disque | glen.disque@mt.gov |
Program Lead, Lindsey Mitchell | limitchell@mt.gov |
Apprenticeship Coordinator, Mark Lillrose | mlillrose@mt.gov |
Workforce Integration Specialist, Amber Lamb | Amber.Lamb@mt.gov |
Director - Jobs for MT Graduates, Ron Carroll | ronald.carroll@mt.gov |
Job Service Bureau |
Bureau Chief, Ryan Van Ballegooyen |
RVanBallegooyen@mt.gov |
Billings Job Service Manager, Clint Cecil | ccecil@mt.gov |
Bozeman Job Service Manager, Rebecca Andrew | rebecca.andrew@mt.gov | |
Butte Job Service Manager, Danielle Loeffler | Danielle.Loeffler@mt.gov |
Wolf Point & Sidney Job Service Manager, Brooklyn McGarry |
Miles City & Glendive Job Service Manager, Amy Deines | AmyDeines@mt.gov |
Havre, Cut Bank & Lewistown Job Service Manager, Samm Nimmick | Samantha.Nimmick@mt.gov |
Kalispell & Libby Job Service Manager, Laura Gardner | lgardner@mt.gov |
Helena Job Service Manager, Bryan Bird | bbird@mt.gov |
Missoula Job Service Manager, Kellyann Deniger | kdeniger@mt.gov |
Polson & Thompson Falls Job Service Manager, Erin Schock | EKrantz@mt.gov |
Great Falls Job Service Manager, Misty Danielson | MDanielson@mt.gov |