General Information, P.O. Box 202501, Helena, MT 59620-2501 |
406-444-3680 |
Educator Licensure (Certification Program) |
406-444-3150 |
Web site |
Superintendent of Public Instruction, Susan Hedalen |
Deputy Superintendent, Ronald Whitmoyer | |
406-444-4399 |
Deputy Chief of Staff, Tyler Capece |
406-444-0037 |
Land Board Liaison & Director of Communications, McKenna Gregg |
406-444-3559 |
Legislative Liaison, Katie Bloodgood | |
406-444-2082 |
IT & Data Special Projects Coordinator, Lucas Rowsey | |
406-444-0254 |
444-2893 |
Legal |
Chief Legal Counsel, Vacant |
Lawyer, Brenton Craggs |
406-444-5882 |
Early Assistance Program Director, Mandi Gibbs |
406-444-5664 |
Paralegal, Angie Griner |
406-444-2046 | |
444-2893 |
Chief Program Officer, Julie Murgel |
406-444-3172 |
Assistant Chief Program Officer, Christy Mock-Stutz | |
406-444-5658 |
Accreditation, Educator Preparation Programs, & Licensure |
Accreditation & Licensure Senior Manager, Crystal Andrews | |
406-444-6325 |
Licensing Specialist, Lorri Weiss |
406-444-3150 |
Licensing Specialist, Bekki Flanagan |
406-444-3150 |
License Examiner, Virginia Sandin |
Accreditation Specialist, Ellery Bresler |
406-444-2410 |
Accreditation Specialist, Michelle Price |
406-444-4317 |
OPI Accreditation Help Desk |
Education Innovation |
Education Innovation Manager, Krystal Smith |
Montana Ready Coordinator, Mary Heller | | 406-399-0640 |
Career, Technical and Adult Education |
CTAE Unit Manager, Shannon Boswell |
406-444-7915 |
Agricultural & Natural Resources Education Specialist, Eric Tilleman |
Business & Marketing Education Specialist, Ethan Igo |
406-444-7991 |
Family and Consumer Sciences Specialist, Gayla L. Randel |
Health Science & Public Education Specialist, Jamie Corley |
Industrial Technology Education Specialist, Kaitlin Trutzel |
Adult Education Unit Manager, Katie Madsen |
Administrative Assistant, Wanda Arlint |
406-444-4151 |
Adult Education Program Specialist, Emily Fuller |
Teaching and Learning |
Teaching & Learning Senior Manager, Marie Judisch |
Standards, Instruction, and Professional Learning |
Professional Learning Manager, Aimee Konzen |
Professional Development Specialist, Eva Cox | |
Math Instructional Coordinator, Katrina Engeldrum | |
406-444-0706 |
Early Literacy Research Analyst, Kimberly Evans | |
406-594-7053 |
Hub Instructional Coordinator, Allyson Fraser | | |
Hub Instructional Coordinator, Kate Gammill | | 406-444-0716 |
Science Instructional Coordinator, Michelle McCarthy | |
406-444-3537 |
English Language Arts & Literacy Instructional Coordinator, Claire Mikeson | | |
Early Literacy Coordinator, Jackie Ronning | |
406-438-0522 |
Professional Development Unit Provider | |
Teacher Learning HUB Help Desk | |
406-318-5487 |
Montana Literacy Project |
Instructional Coordinator, Rachel Gott |
Montana Comprehensive Literacy Specialist, Vacant |
Montana Comprehensive Literacy Specialist, Vacant |
Student Assessment |
Assessment Director, Cedar Rose |
406-444-0733 |
Special Populations Assessment Specialist, Dylan Conway |
406-444-4420 |
Assessment Specialist, Erin de Graw |
406- 444-0748 |
Assessment Specialist, Marcy Fortner |
406-444-3511 |
Assessment Specialist, Tressa Graveley |
406-444-4524 |
NAEP State Coordinator, Shantel Niederstadt |
Assessment Help Desk, |
Student Support Services |
Student Support Services Senior Manager, Patrick Cates |
Coordinated School Health |
Coordinated School Health Director, Sarah Music |
406-465-2189 |
Tobacco Prevention Education Specialist, Beth Dominicis |
21st Century and Suspension-Expulsion Data Specialist, Amanda Domino |
Project AWARE Program Manager, Courtney Hubbs |
Tobacco Prevention Education Specialist, Kris Minard |
406-444-0785 |
School Safety Specialist, Burke Wallace |
406-594-0059 | |
21st Century Community Learning Center Program Specialist, Katie Wardisiani |
406-431-3029 |
Instructional Coordinator, Genie Zeeck |
406-444-3178 | |
Fax |
444-2955 |
Driver Education |
Traffic Education Director, Mike Houghton |
406-444-4396 |
Traffic Education Administrative Assistant, LeAnn Haas |
406-444-4432 |
School Nutrition |
School Nutrition Programs Director, Christine Emerson |
406-444-2502 |
Food Distribution Program Specialist, Erin Benson |
4406-44-4412 |
School Nutrition Data Processor, Ashley Bodle |
Administrative Assistant, Tarryn Erickson |
406-444-2501 |
Farm to School Specialist, Amber Lewis |
406-594-7232 |
School Nutrition Assistant Director, Erin Turner |
406-559-7588 |
Data Analyst, Alie Wolf |
School Nutrition Specialist, Rachel Ariaz |
406-422-3318 |
School Nutrition Program Specialist, Sydney Dickinson |
406-594-7313 |
School Nutrition Program Specialist, Kelli Johnson |
School Nutrition Program Specialist, Emily Madsen |
406-594-4142 |
School Nutrition Program Specialist, Abigail Vanorny |
406-475-5302 |
Summer Food Service Program Specialist, Sarah Kuhn | |
406-594-9747 |
Special Education |
Special Education Director, Danni McCarthy |
406-594-3610 | |
Administrative Assistant, Kelley Brown |
406-444-5661 | |
IDEA Fiscal Manager, Kimber Emmons | | 406-444-3124 |
IDEA AIM Specialist, Vacant |
Administrative Assistant, Ty House |
406-444-2504 | |
Special Education Family & School Liaison, Annette Gorton |
406-594-3004 | |
School Improvement |
School Improvement Unit Manager, John Gorton |
School Improvement Specialist, Jillian Bellah |
406-444-3864 | |
School Improvement Specialist, Mercee Cislo |
School Improvement Specialist, Alicia Herman |
School Improvement Specialist, Desiree Johnson |
School Improvement Specialist, Crystal Wright |
406-202-7920 | |
Continuing Education |
Continuing Education Unit Manager, Tammy Lysons |
Early Learning & Special Education Specialist, Lucy Beltz |
Program Support Specialist, Anne Carpenter |
CSPD Specialist, Annette Viciedo-Young |
406-444-0299 | |
Autism Ed Project, Katie Mattingley |
Autism Consultant, Joshua Beeman |
Autism Consultant, Kaneesha Beeman |
Autism Consultant, Shannell Latta |
Autism Consultant, Emilie Maule |
Autism Consultant, Jordan Scotti |
Gifted & Talented MTSS Program Support Specialist, Jenny Jarvis |
406-410-1140 | |
MTSS Coach, Sandra Elmore |
MTSS Coach, Heidi Fasting | ||
MTSS Coach, Lynsey Heiken | ||
MTSS Coach, Keith Hoyer | ||
MTSS Coach, Joe Mortiarty | ||
MTSS Coach, Michelle Trafton | ||
MTSS Coach, Lindsay Winn | ||
MTSS Coach, Carla Heintz |
444-3924 |
School Improvement & Engagement |
Improvement and Engagement Senior Manager, Carrie Kouba |
406-444-0864 | |
Federal Programs |
Title I, Federal Grants Unit Director and Private School Ombudsman, Zach Hawkins |
406-444-3083 |
Title I & Homeless Specialist, Justine Guthrie |
406-444-2036 |
Federal Grants Coordinator, Kimberly Rebich |
406-410-4578 | |
English Learner Specialist, Serena Wright |
406-410-4098 | |
Migrant Education Director, Angela Branz-Spall |
406-444-2423 | |
Title IV A Program Manager, Paige Sedahl |
406-422-2821 | |
Federal Grants Coordinator; Foster Care POC, Vacant |
Indian Education For All |
Director of American Indian Education for All, Christopher Morigeau |
406-444-0708 | |
Indian Education Specialist, Julie Jeffers |
406-438-2505 | |
Indian Education Specialist, Curriculum & Materials Development Lead Worker, Mike Jetty |
406-444-0720 | |
Indian Education Specialist, Carrie Mcab |
406-444-0251 | |
School Improvement |
Title 1 School Support Unit Director, Lindsay Mahoney | | |
School Improvement Specialist, Julie Gavin | | 406-444-0686 |
School Improvement Specialist, Michelle Clawson | | 406-438-1339 |
School Improvement Specialist, Tammy Hall | | 406-444-7728 |
School Improvement Specialist, Brent Harlen | | 406-444-2051 |
School Improvement Specialist, Terica Schaumloeffel | | |
Tribal Student Achievement and Relations Unit |
Tribal Student Achievement Director, Brooke Beaverheart Gondara |
406-422-6958 | |
Tribal Student Achievement Specialist, Crystal Hickman |
Tribal Student Achievement Specialist, Michele Henson |
406-595-1058 | |
Language and Culture Specialist, Matthew Bell |
Tribal Youth Coordinator, Vacant |
Chief Financial Officer, April Grady |
406-444-4523 |
Research Analyst, Enly Kovis | | 406-444-1369 |
444-1369 | |
Centralized Services |
Centralized Services Senior Manager, Deann Willcut |
406-444-2563 |
E-Grants Designer, Karla Beagles |
406-444-0764 |
Budget Analyst, Becky Belling |
406-444-2561 |
Sr. Grant Accountant, Catlin Clifford | |
406-444-3692 |
Accounting Technician, Dominic Griffin | |
ECM Computer System & Accounting Analyst, Daniel McNurlin |
406-444-3448 |
Grant Accountant, Julie Moore |
406-444-0727 |
Budget Analyst, Ilda Noyes |
Accounting Supervisor, Judy Sanchez |
406-444-3471 |
Accounting Technician, Vonnie Evans - Mon.,Tues. & Wed. am Accounting Technician, Catherine McNeil - Wed. pm & Thurs., Fri. |
Accounting Technician, Codie Mendoza |
406-444-5899 |
Accounts Receivable Accountant, Heather Zimmer |
406-444-1961 |
Support Specialist, Kristy Schaan |
406-444-1852 |
Grant Accountant, Chris Warren |
406-444-2765 |
Budget Analyst, Jasmine Williams |
406-444-4429 |
Budget Analyst, Whitney Williams |
406-444-3408 |
Grants Management Systems Analyst, Vacant |
444-0768 |
School Emergency Relief (ESSER/EANS) |
E-Grants Security, Mindi Federman Askelson |
406-444-0768 |
School Finance |
School Finance Manager, Paul Taylor |
406-444-1257 | |
Financial Specialist, Andrea Mohammadi |
406-444-1960 |
Budget Analyst, Laci Novark |
406-444-4401 | |
Budget Analyst, Cori Opie |
406-444-3533 |
Financial Specialist, Donell Rosenthal |
Budget Analyst, Alivia Skeslien-Jenkins |
406-444-1964 |
Budget Analyst, Autumn Warren | |
406-444-9852 |
Budget Analyst, Autumn Belmont |
406-444-9852 | |
Computer Support Specialist, Amanda Zigan |
406-444-3096 |
444-0509 |
Chief Accountability Officer, Dylan Martin |
406-444-0466 |
Internal Control Auditor, Kristen Becker |
406-444-0701 |
Administrative Specialist, Kristen Bokovoy |
406-444-2417 | |
Data Governance Manager, Eli Dean |
406-444-5182 | |
Contract & Procurement Manager, Heather Davidson |
406-444-4402 |
Agency Facility & Access Coordinator, Bill Wilson |
406-444-3504 |
Human Resources |
Human Resource Supervisor, Autumn Frey |
406-444-3161 |
Human Resource Generalist, Randa Renenger |
406-444-4407 |
Payroll Specialist, Megan Tenneson |
406-444-3508 |
Mail Room, Lee Cook |
406-444-3148 |
444-1369 |
OPI Productions |
Director of Photography, Steve Meredith |
Video Producer, WT Greely |
Business Analyst/Project Manager, Marla Swanby |
IT Project Coordinator, Tristen Loveridge |
406-444-4607 |
IT Operations |
Security Analyst, Alan Grover |
406-444-3502 | |
Database Administrator, Serafima Forni |
406-444-3952 |
Database Administrator, Kaitlyn Greenhalgh |
406-444-1610 |
IT Systems Administrator, Mark Pomerleau |
406-444-9690 | |
IT Systems Administrator, Briana Ybarra |
406-444-3789 |
Systems Support Specialist, Chris Harris |
406-444-1641 | |
IT System Support, Derek Sinrud |
406-444-3557 |
Computer Support Specialist, Jesse Romero |
406-444-0157 |
Software Developer, Vicki Thacker |
406-444-9870 | |
Software Developer, Zac Campbell |
406-444-5688 | |
Software Developer, Scott Schollmeyer |
Data Operations |
Title & School Support Analyst, Amber Buchanan |
406-444-2736 | |
GEMS Stakeholder Liaison, Robin Clausen |
406-444-3793 | |
Operations Research Analyst, Scott Furois |
406-444-3545 | |
Project Coordinator, Anna Horner |
Teacher Data Coordinator, Mattie Murphy |
Data Accountability Specialist, Kristie Sears |
406 444-4430 | |
Ed Facts Coordinator, Meghann Spring |
406-444-0793 | |
AIM Unit Manager, Nicole Thuotte |
406-444-2080 | |
IT Systems Support, Shara Blair |
406-444-0685 | |
Data Information Specialist, Andy Boehm |
406-444-0375 | |
Data Resource Specialist, Jennifer Straw |
406-444-0714 | |
444-3924 |
Non-OPI Health |
Immunization, DPHHS |
444-6978 |
TB Testing Requirements, DPHHS |
444-0275 |